Rico Kötschau

Rico Kötschau
Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaft (FWW)
Lehrstuhl BWL, insb. Management Science
Lehrstuhl BWL, insb. Management Science
02/2019 - 12/2020 |
Research assistant, Management Science Group, Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg | |
04/2016 - 10/2016 |
Master thesis on route and manage fleets of autonomous vehicles, IAV GmbH |
10/2014 - 10/2016 |
Master of Science, Information Systems, Freie Universität Berlin |
03/2014 - 09/2014 |
Bachelor thesis on agile project management in software development, Volkswagen AG |
09/2010 - 09/2014 |
Bachelor of Science, Information Systems, HS Pforzheim |