Dr. Jarmo Haferkamp

Research Associate

Dr. Jarmo Haferkamp

Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaft (FWW)
Lehrstuhl BWL, insb. Management Science
Universitätsplatz 2, 39106, Magdeburg, G22-A356
Curriculum Vitae


Doctorate degree (summa cum laude)


Since 01/2018

Research associate, Chair of Management Science, Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg


08/2016 - 11/2017

Working student, Internal Audit Department, ALBA Group


10/2015 - 12/2017

Master of Science in Information Systems, Freie Universität Berlin


11/2013 - 07/2015

Student assistant, Department of Information Technology, Universität Hamburg


10/2012 - 12/2015

Bachelor of Science in Information Systems, Universität Hamburg



Peer-reviewed journal article

Design of multi-optional pickup time offers in ride-sharing systems

Haferkamp, Jarmo

In: EURO journal on transportation and logistics - Amsterdam, Niederlande : Elsevier, Bd. 13 (2024), S. 1-13, Artikel 100134


Peer-reviewed journal article

Heatmap-based decision support for repositioning in ride-sharing systems

Haferkamp, Jarmo; Ulmer, Marlin Wolf; Ehmke, Jan Fabian

In: Transportation science - Hanover, Md. : INFORMS . - 2023 [Online first]


Demand management and vehicle routing in dynamic ride-sharing systems

Haferkamp, Jarmo; Ulmer, Marlin Wolf; Ehmke, Jan Fabian

In: Magdeburg: Universitätsbibliothek, Dissertation Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg, Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaft 2023, 1 Online-Ressource (168 Seiten, 8,05 MB) [Literaturverzeichnis: Seite 135-146][Literaturverzeichnis: Seite 135-146]


Peer-reviewed journal article

Effectiveness of demand and fulfillment control in dynamic fleet management of ride-sharing systems

Haferkamp, Jarmo; Ehmke, Jan Fabian

In: Networks - New York, NY : Wiley, Bd. 79 (2022), Heft 3, S. 314-337

Non-peer-reviewed journal article

Heatmap-based decision support for repositioning in ride-sharing systems

Haferkamp, Jarmo; Ulmer, Marlin Wolf; Ehmke, Jan Fabian

In: Magdeburg: Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg: Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaft, 2022, 1 Online-Ressource (36 Seiten, 1,58 MB) - (Working paper series; Otto von Guericke Universität Magdeburg, Faculty of Economics and Management; 2022, no. 3)


Peer-reviewed journal article

An efficient insertion heuristic for on-demand ridesharing services

Haferkamp, Jarmo; Ehmke, Jan Fabian

In: Transportation Research Procedia - Amsterdam [u.a.]: Elsevier, Bd. 47 (2020), S. 107-114

Article in conference proceedings

Potential of anticipatory decision-making in dynamic fleet management

Haferkamp, Jarmo; Ehmke, Jan Fabian

In: Konferenz: TSL Second Triennial Conference, Arlington, May 27-29, 2020, Proceedings of the TSL Second Triennial Conference - informs, 2020, Artikel TSL.2020.049, 4 Seiten

Non-peer-reviewed journal article

Evaluation of anticipatory decision-making in ride-sharing services

Haferkamp, Jarmo; Ehmke, Jan Fabian

In: Magdeburg: Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg: Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaft, Der Dekan, 2020, 1 Online-Ressource (28 Seiten, 5,78 MB) - (Working paper series; Otto von Guericke Universität Magdeburg, Faculty of Economics and Management; 2020, no. 4)


Peer-reviewed journal article

Evaluation of delivery cost approximation for attended home deliveries

Köhler, Charlotte; Haferkamp, Jarmo

In: Transportation Research Procedia - Amsterdam [u.a.]: Elsevier, Bd. 37 (2019), S. 67-74


Current projects

Pro-Active Routing for Emergency Testing in Pandemics
Duration: 01.01.2023 bis 31.12.2025

A pandemic can immobilize municipalities within a short amount of time. The key is to discover and avoid spreading of infection clusters through fast and effective testing. An innovative idea implemented during the COVID-19 pandemic in metropolitan areas such as Vienna, Austria, is the employment of a workforce of mobile testers. This project deals with the operational management of such mobile testers and the resulting impact on the spread of a disease using COVID-19 as an example.Based on state-of-the-art multi-agent simulation models, we will generate and analyze data on the tem-poral and spatial spreading (descriptive analytics). With methods of predictive analytics, we will aggregate the data to a detailed information model with a particular focus on modelling correlation for testing de-mand. Using this, we will model and solve the dynamic tester routing with infection hot spots and correla-tion demand problem (TRISC) using methods of prescriptive analytics, esp. reinforcement learning. The obtained policies will be evaluated by the multi-agent simulation again.Hypotheses / research questions / objectivesThe following core research questions will be investigated: (1) How can data of the spread of highly infec-tious diseases like COVID-19 be analyzed and modeled for the purpose of dynamic workforce control? (2) How can we achieve an effective dynamic control of the workforce in reaction and in anticipation of the complex disease information? (3) When is anticipatory dynamic workforce control effective in containing the spread of pandemics?The problem at hand shows new and severe complexity in the information model of the demand (test requests) and in the decision model for the operational control. Deriving the demand information model (via predictive analytics) is complex because it must capture the spatial-temporal correlation of demand. The decision model for the problem is a novel stochastic and dynamic vehicle routing problem. Determin-ing high-quality decisions that integrate the information model (via prescriptive analytics) is therefore additionally challenging. The evaluation by an established agent-based simulation is particularly excep-tional for this research field.The project will be conducted by Jan Fabian Ehmke (JE, Universität Wien), Marlin Ulmer (MU, Technische Universität Braunschweig), and Niki Popper (NP, Technische Universität Wien). JE will serve as coordina-tor and is responsible for tasks of predictive analytics. MU leads the project part on prescriptive analytics for dynamic vehicle routing. NP will contribute with an agent-based simulation that supports the creation of the predictive information model and the evaluation of dynamic and stochastic disease sampling. This will provide unique opportunities to extend current methods including their evaluation in the urgent ap-plication of disease routing.

View project in the research portal

Awards and Grants
  • Promotionspreis 2024 der Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaft

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