Advanced Computation Transportation
The course Advanced Computational Transportation focuses on complex optimization problems in the field of logistics and transportation and presents exact and heuristic solution techniques to deal with those problems.
In this course, the students are provided with
- an overview of the state-of-the-art computational problems in logistics and transportation,
- fundamentals of linear optimization and mathematical modelling,
- basic and advanced exact solution approaches for selected planning problems,
- metaheuristic solution frameworks (e.g., genetic algorithms, simulated annealing),
- advanced knowledge of specific algorithms (e.g., local search, variable neighborhood search), and
- application of metaheuristics to recent business problems in transportation and logistics or related areas.
For ORBA students enrolled from WT 2024/25 this course can be chosen as Compulsory Elective Module for Specialization.
More information about the course can be found in the E-Learning.